As women in banking, it is important that we lift each other up and celebrate each other’s accomplishments. The entire purpose of the Girl Banker blog is to do just that! The Girl Banker of the Week series serves as a way to highlight Girl Bankers everywhere by telling their stories and motivating and encouraging other women in banking. It also is a great way for women in banking to connect! Read below about this week’s Girl Banker of the Week!
Julie Croak Waddle | AVP, Digital Marketing Manager | FNB Community Bank
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that I’m a social media nerd. Without social media, this blog would be non-existent and I wouldn’t have a clue what any of my friends were doing these days, much less know what they ate for dinner or if they worked out this morning. That being said, through social media, especially Twitter, I have been exposed to a whole new world of banking friends! Many of which I have actually never met in person but feel like if I did, everything would be cool and we could hang out like we’ve known each other for years. Enter Julie Waddle, AVP, Digital Marketing Manager of FNB Community Bank in Midwest City, Oklahoma. Julie and I are connected on Instagram (both of my accounts) and on Twitter, and I’m pretty sure I could run into her somewhere and be like, “Oh hey, Julie!” but surprise, we have never actually met in the flesh! Banking can be boring. Really boring. And it can be even more boring on Twitter, that’s why I like following Julie! She is often involved in ICBA Twitter Chats and offers a fun, fresh view of banking. Here is her Girl Banker story.
Girl Banker Story
Julie is no stranger to banking as she is a part of the fourth generation of Croaks to have worked at FNB Community Bank. It’s a family thing! Her first job was popping popcorn at the bank at the age of 10. “I loved coming up on Fridays in the summer and making some extra cash,” said Julie. Sounds like a banker in the making! Prior to starting college, Julie had decided to study marketing and at that time, FNB Community Bank had just started thinking about bringing on additional help for their marketing department. She began working part-time for the bank in April of 2012 in the Solutions Center and continued to work there during her summer’s off from the University of Oklahoma. During her senior year, she worked part-time as an Operations Intern, rotating through each department of the bank and gained a good understanding of how everything was connected and worked. In April 2016, she was given the title of Digital Marketing Manager and transitioned to a full-time role. Later in December of 2016, she became an Assistant Vice President. Since that time, Julie has amped up the marketing of FNB Community Bank by providing a true online presence through social media and digital marketing campaigns. “Being able to express creativity, while also using my background education is business management has made this role very rewarding.”
“Julie truly has been a game changer for my bank with regard to fresh outlooks and communication styles with younger generations of current and potential customers,” said Bill Croak, President and CEO of FNB Community Bank. “I believe she exemplifies the positive qualities of her generation and I believe she is developing into a future senior manager of the bank.” If that’s not a proud dad, I don’t know what is!

Julie graduated from The University of Oklahoma’s Price College of Business with special distinction in Marketing and Management. At OU, Julie was a member of the Alpha Phi sorority, the President’s Leadership Class, and the Campus Activities Council Executive Committee. Julie attended and graduated from the Oklahoma Bankers Association’s Basic Banking School in 2016 and the OBA’s Intermediate Banking School in 2017. She also serves as the Intermediate/Basic Banking School Board of Regent for the OBA.
In her spare time…
Just like any good community banker, Julie is involved in a variety of non-profit and community organizations. She serves as the Public Relations Director for the Junior Service League of Midwest City, is a Mid-Del Food Pantry Board Member, a Mid-Del Group Home Board of Director, and is a Big Sister for Big Brother & Big Sisters of Oklahoma. Julie and her husband, Austin, reside in Midwest City with their beagle, Boomer.

MOTIVATION | “I am most motivated by my husband who constantly reminds me of my strengths and gifts that I bring to the table. It is so encouraging to have a partner who believes in everything I do whole-heartedly at such a young age. I am beyond thankful for his influence in my life. I am also motivated by the fact that I get the chance to continue my family’s legacy of community banking and philanthropic impact on Midwest City and Eastern Oklahoma County.”
Join me as we celebrate this week’s Girl Banker of the Week, Julie Waddle!
Congratulations Julie! What an incredible journey you have taken and sounds like you are on the path to greatness!