Introducing #theGirlBankerChallenge

In honor of Women’s History month, I’m excited to do the second annual Girl Banker Challenge! This year, I’m offering a few extras to those who register thanks to a collaboration with The Twiggs Group. What is the point of the challenge?This last year presented a variety of obstacles, specifically for women in the workforce. […]
Girl Banker in the Making: Alyssa Hermann

Welcome back to one of my favorite blog series, ‘Girl Banker in the Making’! The purpose of this series is to highlight young women just getting their start in the banking industry as a means to motivate other young women to consider banking as a career path. The best part about ‘Girl Banker in the […]
the Girl Banker: One Year Later

A year ago today, the Girl Banker blog officially launched! This past year has taught me a lot about persistence, resilience, and keeping the main thing, the main thing. RESILIENCE | Initially the blog was met with a large amount of support from who mattered most: women in banking. However, I had my fair amount […]
Girl Banker of the Week: Eileen Jennings

As women in banking, it is important that we lift each other up and celebrate each other’s accomplishments. The entire purpose of the Girl Banker blog is to do just that! The Girl Banker of the Week series serves as a way to highlight Girl Bankers everywhere by telling their stories and motivating and encouraging other women […]