Guest Blog: The Unbalanced, Balanced Mom

I love when women in banking step out of their comfort zone and do something that challenges them. Sometimes, the idea of writing a blog post is scary! Believe me, I still panic each time I push “publish”! I was delighted with Ashley Cody, Market Vice President of River Valley Bank in Marquette, Michigan reached […]
the Girl Banker’s Guide to Mom Guilt

If you have followed me for a while, you most likely have read my Mom Guilt post from 2017. In fact, it was the very first post I wrote when I considered doing this blog and is likely to date, the most popular. When I sat down to type it out, the words just flowed. […]
From the Desk of a Male CEO: We’re Trying Harder Than You Think

Recently, I had a male bank CEO reach out to me regarding his frustration in getting his high performing female employees to consider promotions or accepting additional responsibilities. He emphasized that he recognized the need to promote women within his organization and identified three specific women who, based on their skill sets, work ethic, and […]
Erica Preston | Women In Banking: the Influencers

the Girl Banker Series | Women In Banking: the Influencers Every fall, the American Banker, the official publication of the American Bankers Association, releases their list of the Most Powerful Women In Banking. I find this list inspiring as it is a reminder that there are women making a difference every day in this industry. It […]
Why You Need A Passion Planner In Your Life in 2018

A new year means so many things- a fresh start, 365 more days to be achieve your goals, and most importantly, a new planner! I’m a “paper” planner kind of gal. You know, the kind where you actually write down appointments, events, to-do’s, etc on paper. You might be thinking, “why use a paper planner […]