Looking for some inspiration? Bookmark this page to your favorites and check back for updates! I’ll be adding opportunties for personal development, overviews of Graduate Schools of Banking, Facebook LIVE dates, great books and podcasts, and much more.
As an alum of a graduate school of banking, I appreciate the return on investment not only for our banks, but for our own personal development. I’ve pulled all the information you will need from each of the 6 national Graduate Schools of Banking, so you don’t have to! Each school is unique in their own right and it’s safe to say there’s something for everyone. Be sure to listen to the podcast episodes associated with each school for a true deep dive.
The Girl Banker Platform was founded to create a place of advocacy, inspiration, motivation, and most importantly, community, for women in banking. The Girl Banker Facebook Group is for women in banking only and has grown to include 7400+ women in banking from over 36 states. The group has disucssions around policies, procedures, best practices, job descriptions, marketing, IT, operations, lending, and everything in between. Join the group by clicking below and answering the membership questions.
Save the date for the 2023, ABA Bank Marketing Conference, September 27-29, 2023 in Austin, Texas! Tell them the Girl Banker sent you!
Sometimes the best yes is actually NO!
Take it from my pal, Allyson Twiggs Dyer, founder of Reject the Hustle. Sign up for the Reject the Hustle newsletter, follow it on social (Facebook, Instagram) and learn more about how to protect your boundaries, say yes to rest, and no to things that no longer serve us.
I’ve partnered with Michelle Dahl, founder of The Female Roundtable to provide monthly Facebook LIVE webinars, FREE to the Girl Banker Facebook Group. Michelle offers a wide array of services including coaching, LinkedIn LIVE events, webinars, and much more. Check back here for links to her upcoming sessions!
by Sarah Noll Wilson
Spencer Johnson, MD
Greg McKeown
Brene Brown
Matthew McConaughey
Amy Poehler
Marshall Goldsmith
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